Anyone know a Gay-dar repairman?
I must have the worst gay-dar in existence. I can never tell if a person is straight or gay unless they were being completely obvious about it. Seriously, some people don't have to do more than look at the person to tell if they're gay. I, on the other hand, need to subtly ask common friends if said person is batting for the other team.
I need to know how to fix my broken gay-dar, or at the very least get tips on how to get it reading properly. How do you tell if a person is gay or bi? Are there signs? If there are, is it the body posture? Any nuances in their speech pattern? Or the vocabulary they use? How can you tell if someone's still in the closet? Or are simply just... really, really, really friendly with everyone gender-be-damned?
Why do I suddenly deem this important? I'm simply sick and tired of making a complete idiot of myself when I assume the person I'm meeting is straight. Maybe I should just stick to gender non-specific terms from now on?
Instead of: "What do you look for in a girl" I should ask "What do you look for in a partner" but that requires a lot of careful translation especially if the person I'm talking to is sosyal and prefers to converse in English. Not that I have any problems with speaking in English, but sometimes I want to go casual and switch to Tagalog from time to time. When I try to translate Tagalog thoughts into English, I automatically use pronouns that are gender specific.
And that usually results in me asking a stupid question. Which lowers the potential friend's impression of me, and which also makes me want to curl up under a rock and die.
Honestly, if you're going to be offended if a dense dolt like me can't tell what your sexual orientation is, then have the foresight to tell me in advance. Because I'm clueless and dense and until you tell me outright you're gay or bi, I am always going to assume you're straight.
Let it be known I am not a homophobe, I am just stupid and can't tell the difference between straight men/women and gay men/women.
I need to know how to fix my broken gay-dar, or at the very least get tips on how to get it reading properly. How do you tell if a person is gay or bi? Are there signs? If there are, is it the body posture? Any nuances in their speech pattern? Or the vocabulary they use? How can you tell if someone's still in the closet? Or are simply just... really, really, really friendly with everyone gender-be-damned?
Why do I suddenly deem this important? I'm simply sick and tired of making a complete idiot of myself when I assume the person I'm meeting is straight. Maybe I should just stick to gender non-specific terms from now on?
Instead of: "What do you look for in a girl" I should ask "What do you look for in a partner" but that requires a lot of careful translation especially if the person I'm talking to is sosyal and prefers to converse in English. Not that I have any problems with speaking in English, but sometimes I want to go casual and switch to Tagalog from time to time. When I try to translate Tagalog thoughts into English, I automatically use pronouns that are gender specific.
And that usually results in me asking a stupid question. Which lowers the potential friend's impression of me, and which also makes me want to curl up under a rock and die.
Honestly, if you're going to be offended if a dense dolt like me can't tell what your sexual orientation is, then have the foresight to tell me in advance. Because I'm clueless and dense and until you tell me outright you're gay or bi, I am always going to assume you're straight.
Let it be known I am not a homophobe, I am just stupid and can't tell the difference between straight men/women and gay men/women.
At 2:41 PM,
A simple problem solvable by asking a quick question to everybody you meet. "What do you think of Will Smith/Ellen Degeneres?"
Anybody who answers three sentences or more can be safely considered gay.
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