Forgot to Free Write
Drat, drat, drat, drat, and drat again. I know, I know, I meant to free write at least once a week. I have no excuse, I simply forgot. I suppose that's a problem I have. The moment I declare something, I immediately forget about it. Perhaps that's why I should never talk about stories and plots with other people except when I'm stuck on a particular plot.
Oh well, that's life I suppose.
When we are asked the hypothetical question "If you had one wish, what would you wish for?" what would you ask? Oh how I truly want to have the opportunity to MAKE this wish and not simply use it as a conversation starter. Oh why is my deadly sin that of Sloth? I am a lazy, lazy, laaaaazy person. I could have done so many things, accomplished many a great, wondrous, fantastic feat.
Boredom, you have met your match it seems.
Oh well, that's life I suppose.
When we are asked the hypothetical question "If you had one wish, what would you wish for?" what would you ask? Oh how I truly want to have the opportunity to MAKE this wish and not simply use it as a conversation starter. Oh why is my deadly sin that of Sloth? I am a lazy, lazy, laaaaazy person. I could have done so many things, accomplished many a great, wondrous, fantastic feat.
Boredom, you have met your match it seems.