It has been ages since I last watched or read anything remotely romantic. The last romantic movie or show I watched was... crap, I don't even remember anymore. Maybe a sitcom? Hmmm, no, there is nothing even minutely romantic in Adult Swim shows. Hilarious, maybe, but romantic? Not in the least. Yeah, yeah, despite Holy Week giving most people a glorious 5-day-weekend, I spent my Holy Week playing with a nintendo DS. Oh, wait, I remember! I watched the entire Great Teacher Onizuka anime in a span of two, maybe three days.
But please, GTO isn't romantic, except for that one episode which I shan't expound upon as it may be considered as a spoiler. But then again, how many people who are into anime hasn't seen GTO? I may be one of the few losers who have only watched it. I saw a couple of Gokusen (the anime, not the live action) episodes too, but there's nothing romantic in it.
I don't know why, but I'm sort of happy that I haven't had anything sappy or romantic or mushy. I know I like going "Awww, that's so sweet!" and getting the warm-fuzzy-happy feeling when I see a normally cold character suddenly doing really simple but toothachingly sweet gestures. I also know I like getting kilig over awkward scenes, and wishing the characters would just drop all pretense and attack each other. And by 'attack' I mean the kind with mouth ;D Ahahahahaha I am so depraved.
Yes, depraved, not deprived. I have not been deprived of love, my parents and sister have never lacked in that department.
So why the hell am I still glad that I haven't seen or gotten hooked on any romantic-comedies or romantic-themed shows? Is it because I'm already so cynical and embittered despite being 22? Or is it because I know what I watch is all going to be just that. Something I watched. Not something I will experience. Not something I will go through as the receiver or giver. Just something I saw, not even something I witness first hand as it's through a friggin' television (or computer) screen.
But who's to blame? Wait, is this even wrong? Why is there such a stigma for single people? Why do we worry if we're still single? Is our life meaningless if we're not "attatched"? Maybe it's because of all the romantic propaganda being bombarded all over our screen and culture that I just have to get away from it all. Or maybe I'm just in denial and actually want to have a special someone? Technically I do have a special someone, despite it all being one-sided. No, it's not a menage-a-moi, it's hero worship so STFU, ktnxbai.
But please, GTO isn't romantic, except for that one episode which I shan't expound upon as it may be considered as a spoiler. But then again, how many people who are into anime hasn't seen GTO? I may be one of the few losers who have only watched it. I saw a couple of Gokusen (the anime, not the live action) episodes too, but there's nothing romantic in it.
I don't know why, but I'm sort of happy that I haven't had anything sappy or romantic or mushy. I know I like going "Awww, that's so sweet!" and getting the warm-fuzzy-happy feeling when I see a normally cold character suddenly doing really simple but toothachingly sweet gestures. I also know I like getting kilig over awkward scenes, and wishing the characters would just drop all pretense and attack each other. And by 'attack' I mean the kind with mouth ;D Ahahahahaha I am so depraved.
Yes, depraved, not deprived. I have not been deprived of love, my parents and sister have never lacked in that department.
So why the hell am I still glad that I haven't seen or gotten hooked on any romantic-comedies or romantic-themed shows? Is it because I'm already so cynical and embittered despite being 22? Or is it because I know what I watch is all going to be just that. Something I watched. Not something I will experience. Not something I will go through as the receiver or giver. Just something I saw, not even something I witness first hand as it's through a friggin' television (or computer) screen.
But who's to blame? Wait, is this even wrong? Why is there such a stigma for single people? Why do we worry if we're still single? Is our life meaningless if we're not "attatched"? Maybe it's because of all the romantic propaganda being bombarded all over our screen and culture that I just have to get away from it all. Or maybe I'm just in denial and actually want to have a special someone? Technically I do have a special someone, despite it all being one-sided. No, it's not a menage-a-moi, it's hero worship so STFU, ktnxbai.
At 1:36 PM,
GTO is awesome. When I get a kid, I'll name him Onizuka just so he has somebody to look up to.
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