Utter Ukedom

Just random scenes and situations I come up with. Whether they are self-insertions is beside the point.

02 May 2007

Signs of Life

Still dying from work and from all the god-forsaken last-minute things I'm suddenly tasked to accomplish. It's like the moment I say to myself "I can breathe again" BOOM work suddenly appears. And everything seems to be due OMGNOW!!!! Despite just being given the damn thing a few seconds ago.

I'm the one handling all the administrative work because surprise, surprise we're understaffed and everyone else is handling 'more important' work which is more stressful. Not that I want to be in their shoes, theirs is definately more stressful.

So why am I blogging despite having all these deadlines? I'll tell you why: I'm not the one processing any of these things. I'm just the person who files the reports and requests and wait while the already over-worked and understaffed people process my requests. It's a miracle they haven't started stoning me every time they see me approach.

If I die within this month, let it be known my job pushed me to kill myself from sheer frustration.


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